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You are looking at exactly the same area...
...with your eyes you see nothing but trees...
...remove the trees with the slider...
...and you suddenly see hills and creeks...
...and diggings from a mini-goldrush 100 years ago.
The left image is the LiDAR-derived Forest Canopy, the right one is a LiDAR-derived Bare Earth image.

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And you can see all the creeks for the whole rainforest block.
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The grey scale images were rendered using RVT - Relief Visualization Toolbox Version 2.0
Kokalj, Žiga, Klemen Zakšek and Krištof Oštir. 2011. Application of Sky-View Factor for the Visualization of Historic Landscape Features in Lidar-Derived Relief Models. Antiquity 85 (327): 263–273.
Zakšek, Klemen, Krištof Oštir and Žiga Kokalj. 2011. Sky-View Factor as a Relief Visualization Technique. Remote Sensing 3: 398–415.
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